Monday 24 June 2013


After the long blazing spell of summers, one fervently waits for the rains to descend upon the weary dry earth. Monsoon showers come as great relief and we all become overwhelmed by this beautiful gesture of nature. But in this heavenly weather we often forget about hygiene and later this carelessness spells doom for our health. 

Monsoons bring with them health irritants like allergies, infections and indigestion. But you need not worry because experts say that all these problems can be averted if we practice small variations in our eating habits and adopt a healthy diet. With monsoons, the heat subsides but the humidity surges and that proves detrimental to the body`s digestion. These problems can escalate if we don’t give heed to our dietary habits. 

Monsoon diseases are mostly waterborne hence it is of utmost importance to consume boiled and purified water during these days.

According to dieticians, humidity levels are high during the monsoon because of which the capability of the body to digest is at its lowest. In such a case, it is important to avoid heavy and oily food as the digestion becomes very weak and it might lead to an upset stomach. Street food should be strictly avoided, so well it’s time to resist all the advances from that nearby chaat stall and control your cravings.

In this season, we should try to concentrate on light food. This requirement can be fulfilled by the increased intake of green leafy vegetables which builds immunity besides being very light on the stomach. Fruits are the perfect food for this season as they restore energy. But before consuming vegetables and fruits we should remember to wash them thoroughly as they also carry the risk of infection. 

Avoid fresh fruits, which have been pre-cut or peeled and kept in the open.Go for mangoes, apples, pomegranates and pears and avoid watermelons and muskmelons. Enjoy mangoes this season but don’t gorge on them completely as too much of it can lead to pimples and boils.

Foods such as barley, brown rice and oats are the stomach`s best friend during the monsoon season. Add a dash of garlic to soups, stir fries and curries which will help build the body`s immunity. 

The intake of dairy products should be considerably reduced as they have maximum susceptibility to contamination by germs. So, instead of milk switch to its alternative yogurt. 

Fungal and bacterial infections are rampant because of the humid weather. This damp weather breeds infection and invites diseases such as dengue. Eat hot and properly cooked home food. Cast off food which has strange odour, mould or appearance.Cover all the food items always and never expose them to the the air.Apart from it, always keep your hands clean and wash them properly after every meal.

Skin allergies can also soar in this weather so the people who are prone to frequent allergies and pimples should keep a strict check on their diet. Spicy food should be avoided at all costs because spicy food stimulates the circulation and raises body temperature, which leads to skin irritation, allergies and diseases. 

The humidity acts as an arch enemy for your skin. The skin gets very oily and prone to harmful infections. Problems such as pyodera, boils, change in skin colour dullness, rashes and patchy skin also arise. Drink ample amount to water to keep these problems at bay.

So, with these tips eat safe, remain healthy and keep enjoying the divine showers.


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